Club By-laws: Our club by-laws had a minor change made in Article V- Election of Officers, at the November 28, 2016 board meeting. Changes were made due to the number of attendees at the first two meetings of the year. Changes are noted below.
By-laws of Harrison Hills ATV Club- By-Laws of Harrison Hills ATV Club- revised and approved at October 28, 2024 board meeting.
Article I-NAME
The organization shall be known as The Harrison Hills ATV (All Terrain Vehicles) Club.
Club membership shall be open to all ATV/UTV riders and enthusiasts. Membership in the organization shall be determined on a non-discriminatory basis, without regard for age, sex, race, religion, or national origin.
The president shall preside over all meetings of the organization and the board of directors. The president shall be the chairman of the board and cast the deciding vote in case of a tie vote by the board.
Article I-NAME
The organization shall be known as The Harrison Hills ATV (All Terrain Vehicles) Club.
- To provide a volunteer resource for the community at large.
- To provide an educational resource for the sport of ATV/UTV riding.
- To explore, expand, and participate in off road riding opportunities.
- To maintain and expand existing trail systems in the area.
Club membership shall be open to all ATV/UTV riders and enthusiasts. Membership in the organization shall be determined on a non-discriminatory basis, without regard for age, sex, race, religion, or national origin.
- Membership votes shall be determined as follows by membership in the organization:
- Individual--One Vote
- Household--Two Vote
- Business –One Vote
- Annual membership dues for Individuals, Families and Businesses shall be determined by an annual vote, by a 2/3 majority vote of members present at the meeting. (Family membership shall be the same for two adults and all minor children under the age of 18)
- Members may be terminated from the organization for good cause as determined by the board of directors, or subject to suspension period, as a result of the charges against that individual.
- Memberships begin July 1st, ending June 30th of the following year.
- New (only new) membership paid after Jan 1 of the year shall be considered paid for the balance of the current year + the next full (up to 18 months).
- Regular meetings shall be held on a designated day and at a location determined by the monthly meeting.
- The president shall preside over all meetings. In the absence of the president, the vice president shall preside over the meeting. If both the president and the vice president are absent, the secretary shall preside over the meeting.
- There must be 12 members present to conduct a meeting for the business of the organization.
- All business shall be conducted by a motion from the floor, with a show of hands vote, unless a motion is made to have a secret ballot vote, except in the election of officers.
- Membership meetings may be called by the president, by the majority of the board members, or by 10 members in good standing by filing a written call for such meeting with the president and secretary of the club; stating the time, date, place, and purpose of such meeting 48 hours prior to the time and date of such meeting.
- The governing body of the organization shall consist of a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and six (6) board members, which shall be nominated and elected by the members in good standing.
- Nominations shall take place at the April (changed from May) meeting and any person nominated must be notified and accept the nomination of office. Elections shall be at the May (changed from June) meeting at the end of their respective terms, to begin term of office in June, (changed from July), following election. Any persons elected must be present/notified and accept their nomination for election, at the June meeting in which election is being held.
- Terms of office shall be for two (2) years, for the position of president, secretary, and three board members, shall expire every two (2) years thereafter. The positions of vice president, treasurer, and three board members shall expire every two (2) years thereafter.
- There are no limits as to the number of terms an individual may hold office. All elections shall be by secret ballot except in the case of an unopposed candidate at the close of nominations for the position.
- Any vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the president and board of directors for the duration of the term, for the position which became vacant.
- Board members will meet twice a year. Club goals will be set at the first board meeting of each year.
- Officers and Board Members must attend half (1/2) of the club meetings. Board members must attend at least one of the two (2) board meetings. Failure to do so will result in forfeiting the position.
The president shall preside over all meetings of the organization and the board of directors. The president shall be the chairman of the board and cast the deciding vote in case of a tie vote by the board.
- Vice president shall fulfill the duties of the president in his/her absence.
- Secretary shall keep legible records of all regular, special, and board meetings; and have them readily available. The secretary shall read the minutes of all meetings at a regular meeting since the last reading. The secretary shall maintain a register of members attending meetings of the organization for a period of seven (7) years.
- The treasurer shall keep accurate, up-to-date financial records for the organization, make reports of all financial activities on a monthly basis, and collect monies of the organization for dues, fundraisers, etc., and disperse as directed by the organization, or its executive officers. The treasurer shall keep the records in such order that they may be audited or turned over to the board for audit within a 24-hour period.
- The board of directors shall have general control of the organization but may be over ruled by a vote of 2/3 of the general membership who have been members a minimum of one (1) yr. at the meeting.
- Checks can be signed by president, vice president, treasurer or secretary who are shown as authorized signers on bank records.
- Only the club treasure is authorized to transfer funds between club accounts. Club accounts must be maintained within the same bank.
- Checks cannot be signed by person receiving the funds.
- Holders of the club debit card are limited to $500 spending unless prior authorization by the board is approved and must provide receipts for all purchases made with club debit card.
- Events requiring club funds must be pre-approved by a 2/3 majority vote of members present at the meeting.
- Club financial records are to be reviewed at the end of each year and as deemed necessary, by the board of directors.
- An annual audit of club financial records can be done by internal members, not including the club Treasure
- Donations made by club are limited to maximum of $2,000 per year, $300 per entity.
- These by-laws may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of members present and in good standing.
- The board of directors shall make the final decision as to where property and funds are to go.
- All funds and property are to go to a similar ATV/UTV organization, if this organization should dissolve.